
A Foundation or a NGO

Well... actually I see myself all my life working in a foundation or a NGO.
My idea with some friends is to create a Foundation or a NGO that let us work in different countries and especially in poor communities with a a group of professionals as doctors, nurses, psychologists, teachers, agronomists, environmental engineers, commercial engineers, lawyers, vets, among others.
I really believe that one of the most shorter ways to find the happiness is helping to others humans beings, for that reason I think that this job would make me happy, although of course this is not the principal target.
This kind of job is not conventional so I don´t think that I will have an specific schedule, maybe some day I would work all day long and other I wouldn´t have too much work to do, I don´t know. My boss... well, my boss would be probably a friend of mine if I don´t preside the foundation by my own, indeed I wouldn´t have any boss, at least not the same kind of boss that the most people have instead of that I would have... or I´ll have the best boss ever, a boss that always want the best for you and never gets angry.
I don´t think that my ideal job would contribute with important things to our career in specific but maybe it would contribute to encourage our professionals to help in this kind of job and to work with different professionals as a team which main target is helping to all kind species
Definitely this is my ideal job and I hope with all my heart that "my boss" let me do it some day.

My Favorite subject

My favorite subject is chemistry.
This subject is about atoms, elements ,matter compounds and their interactions.
The classes have two steps, first you learn by readings all the things that you need to know and then, in the second step, you can prove and see in the lab all the things that you have learned in the lectures, so at the end you have the theory and the practice.
Well... I like chemistry because for me is the most related subject to veterinary medicine that we have in the first semester of the career... It is the first part to understand the biology of the animals and all the related process . The chemistry gives us the tools we need to create new medicines to cure diseases and provide animals with the qualify food they need.
The chemistry is one of the most important subject to our profession and for me it´s the best that we have so far.

In this web you can find a lot of information, about works of different veterinarians and scientists, events or seminaries related with the career, the problem is that this events occur in others countries.
One of the sections of this page is specially dedicated to a magazine called "REDVET" which is, from my point of view, an excellent way to keep you informed about the "innovations" of veterinarian medicine.
This page has others sections too, like the jokes section (very funny), the books section, the video library, the library, the blogs and the thesis.
I visit this page every time I can... at least once in a month when they publish a new edition of the magazine. I like this site because I can see what veterinarians of different parts of the world are doing
